为了帮助考生系统的复习2012年自考英语考试课程全面的了解自考英语考试教材的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2012年自考英语考试模拟题,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助! 11. Food production, industrial production. Light industries. 粮食产量, 工业生产, 轻工业 12. I believe Chinese economic authorities recognize the problem and the next Five-Year Plan will address it effectively. 我相信中国的经济管理部门已认识到这个问题,在下一个”五年计划”中定会有效地解决这一问题. 13. Britain lives by commerce. With 2% of the world’s population, we are the world’s fifth largest trading nation. We rely more than any other major economy on the goods and services that we export, the investment that we attract and we make abroad. 英国的生存依赖贸易. 虽然英国人口只占全球的2%, 它却是世界第五大贸易国.英国对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依赖超过了世界上其他主要经济体.14.outward investor, net income, the share of foreign investment. 海外投资, 净收入, 15. what this means is that Britain has direct experience of the benefits that international trade and investment generate. 这意味着英国直接享受到了国际投资所带来的利益., 国际投资的蓬勃发展符合我国利益. 16. that is the way to maximize her share of world markets; and----as the UK knows from direct experience----to attract the stimulus, the technology and the funding that inward investment can offer. 最大限度地扩大其在世界上的市场份额的方法, 英国从自身直接的经历中体会到,吸引外资可以带来动力,技术和资金. 17. 严复--<天演论>,信—忠实, 达—流畅, 雅—尔雅, 他并不十分重视”信”, 他说”译文取明深义,故词句之间,时有所颠倒附益,不斤斤于字比句次.” 周煦良教授在”翻译三论”一文中说: 我认为应当作为”得体”来理解. 18. multilateral disciplines. Brought this home. Zero-sum game. Finite stock. Donor and recipient. 多边条约, 感触颇深, 盈利损失总体持平, 经济利益增长值, 投资方与被投资方 19. 立足国内资源, 实现粮食基本自给, 是中国解决粮食供需问题的基本方针. The basic principle for solving the problem of grain supply and demand in China is to reply on the domestic resources and basically achieve self-sufficiency in grain. 20.根据中国农业自然资源,生产条件,技术水平和其他发展条件,粮食增产潜力很大. Natural agricultural resources, production conditions, technical level and some other conditions ensure great potential in this respect. 21.即使考虑到土地报酬率递减的因素,也是有条件实现的. To achieve the target is totally possible even if the factor of diminishing land returns rate is considered. 22.中国政府将在加强对现有耕地保护的同时,加快宜农荒地的开发和工矿废弃地的复垦. The Chinese government will make efforts to speed up the reclamation of wasteland suitable for farming as well as land discarded by factories and mines. 23. inland waters, aquaculture, aquatic products, intensification, animal by-products, arbor foodstuffs. 内陆水域,养殖,水产品,集约化,畜产品,木本食物. 相关文章: 2012年自考英语一试题精选汇总一 2012年自考英语试题库 更多关注: (责任编辑:vstara) 共2页,当前第1页 第一页 前一页 下一页 (责任编辑:admin) |