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but ______ missing. A. most of mine is B. most of mine are(2)

时间:2015-05-21 02:36来源:网络整理 作者:考试驴 点击:
Ⅲ. Choose the correct paraphrasing of the following sentences, and then write your right letter on the Answer Sheet:(10%) 1. But nothing becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death. A. A trag

Ⅲ. Choose the correct paraphrasing of the following sentences, and then write your right letter on the Answer Sheet:(10%)
1. But nothing becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death.
A. A tragic and early death can make a common person an icon.
B. Without a tragic and early death, it is still impossible for a person to be an icon even if he has good looks and a special charisma.
C. But the easiest way for a celebrity to be an icon is a tragic and early death.
D. But all icon must have a tragic and early death.
2.  That did not answer; the sherry was a little too dry.
A. His efforts of selling sherry proved a failure; the sherry was not moist enough.
B. Nobody answered his hawking; people did not buy his sherry because it was too dry.
C. His trail of selling sherry did not provide a solution; he soon became tired of it again.
D. He did not get money in this business; the sherry dried out and he had nothing to sell.
3. The Sea Around Us was a delightful antidote to our ignorance.
A. Because of our ignorance, The Sea Around Us becomes a delightful reading-matter.
B. It is not only a delightful book but also a useful one, because it can cure the disease of ignorance.
C. Being an appealing book, The Sea Around Us enlarged our limited knowledge of the ocean and its creatures.
D. The Sea Around Us is a healthy book which is especially helpful for the ignorant.
4. But he could see that the gift required caution and watchfulness.
A. But he could see that only person with caution and watchfulness would have such gift.
B. But he could understand that the gift always comes together with caution and watchfulness.
C. It was apparent to him that the gift was very careful and watching when it was benficical.
D. But he understood that he must use his gift in a careful and alert way, or it might be harmful.
5. Get out in the kitchen and help Doris do those dirty dishes.
A. Get out from here and go to the kitchen; help Doris making the dishes dirty.
B. Go to the kitchen and help Doris make dishes.
C. Go out from here and go to the kitchen; help Doris wash those dirty dishes.
D. Go out and go to the kitchen; help Doris move those dishes
Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English, and then write your answer on the Answer Sheet:(15%)
1. 那位老人的子女不明白,从市场买菜更便宜,他为什么还要费大劲自己去种菜。(


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